
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

and now I look like a complete and total nerd

So I've noticed that my eyes have gotten a little blurry when I read, and that just in general my left eye has gotten more blurry. I thought back to when I had my last eye check-up. The only time that came to mind was when I went with my brother when he was seven or so. So that was a good ten years ago. And then I remembered the eye exams and hearing exams they gave in elementary school; vividly. I was terrified of them. I remember being scared and sweaty all day for those. I thought ever year I would fail. And I thought, crap, I'm going to have to go to resource. Or something equally horrible like that. And we all know I did not like those resource kids.

My fear was turned into a reality when I went to my recent eye exam.

"You have an astigmatism"
"I have what!!??" and I started to cry.
I knew what that was. Not a big deal!
"You also have Myopia"
"What!!!??" Then I really started to cry.
Thats just nearsightedness.
But It was amazing the difference my prescription made. I could read!

When I later told my husband I have a stigmatism, he replied back with "Everyone has those." That is the perfect Kevin reply. I could tell him that I have a rare gene disorder and he would reply with "Everyone has those." Nothing is a big deal in this household. But this time it really wasn't a big deal. I just wanted to pretend it was.

Well now that I have to get glasses, I had to pick out my frames. Boy is that hard. Anything at Costco made me look like a mom. So I found this website, which is hip and cool, and lets you pick five frames (for free!) to try on at home. So order I did. And here are all the five I ordered. Yes, darn it, they all look the same.

Which one makes me look the least nerdy?
I know my faces don't help.

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