
Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Eve with the Mosers

Christmas Eve is spent with my mom's side of the family. We always have a lot of traditions to go through. We first have dinner. This year we had clam chowder, chocolate chili and tomato soup with yummy bread. We then go and watch a video about the service project we did that year. Our grandpa gives us our Christmas money and tells us to do something good with it. This year we all did different things such as buying essentials and dropping them off at the Road Home, handing it out to a random barista, and putting money in the Salvation Army buckets. We usually make a funny video to depict all this, but ran out of time this year. So this year we watched all our previous years videos that still make us laugh.

When we get done with the videos we move on to the bells. We play Christmas hymns until our ears can't take no more.
Some of us are good at it, some of us...not so good.

We then play the candy bar game. This one we have played for years. We know each others favorites and some have learned how to work around this (ahem, corey).
Theres a huge pile of candy in the center and on your turn you roll the dice. If you get any form of six, you get to pick a candy bar out of the pile; or if you remember what candy bar someone has in their bag, you tell them what you want and they have to give you it. It gets pretty heated.

The doorbell then rings and at the door is santa's bag full of pajamas for each one of us and a clever poem that gets funnier each year.

Then it's time for the favorites gift exchange game. We all have to bring our favorite thing and it has to be good. $20 good. There's a lot of stealing in this game. This year I went through an XBOX live pass, movie passes, an amazon gift card and finally ended up with new pillowcases and a few essential oils to add to my collection! Kevin ended up stealing a box full of beef jerky. He loves beef jerky.

My dad is always holding that baby!

And then we call it a night. Bring on Christmas Day.

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