
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

it's almost here

I can't believe Christmas is almost here. It always comes so fast. This year has been incredibly nice with no school. This time of year was always extremely stressful trying to get everything done in time. I always wanted to think about Christmas, but school always won. But this year Christmas won! I was done with Christmas shopping last week. All the presents were wrapped and under the tree last week. Chocolates were passed out last week. And I still had this week for Christmas! Huzzah!

We have a wetlands park in our neighborhood. And since the pond froze over, Kevin has been ice skating on it! We luckily found his size ice skates at D.I. (on our third trip), but have yet to find me any. I did find a lean (mean) frying machine at D.I. that I wanted to take home, but Kevin said that whatever I made in there, he wouldn't touch. Darn it all. I want me some fried chicken!

I decided to try out my sewing skills again and make some Ugly Dolls for my nieces. I'm still working on them. Hopefully some of them turn out. Hopefully my nieces like them. Ellie saw me making the first one and loved holding on to it. But that was before I put the Ugly face on it. My family saw the first two that I finished and all of them laughed and called them ugly. Good thing that is the point. But when I took it to Hadley to show her, her face lit up and she yelled out a "CUTE!" Oh Hadley I love you. She really does love the weirdest stuff.

Meet Bunny, Albus, and Stickhead.

Some of Kevin's customers brought him a present the other night. Beer. Kevin didn't have it in him to say anything but "Thanks!" So I came home after work to two cases of beer sitting by the door. My first reaction was to check it to see if it was non-alcoholic. And then I went "Kevin................."
So what now?
Who want's to come party?
Mom, I'm kidding.

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