
Thursday, July 28, 2011

sleep fighter

Last night I suddenly woke up with my heart beating fast and only knowing something scary happened whether it was in my dream or in real life.

When I called my husband later in the day, my husband quickly said:

"Oh sorry that I hit you last night..."
Me: "Wait, whaaaat...that was you!? I woke up in the middle of the night horrified."
Him: "Yeah, I was sleep fighting."
Me: "You were what?"
Him: "Sleep fighting. I was on my mission and I got into a fight with some guy. I threw him to the ground and then was elbowing him in the face."
Me, laughing: "You tried elbowing me!? I can't believe you."
Me: "Why didn't you give me a hug, or say sorry last night?"
Him: "I had to get back to my fighting!!!"

This guy keeps me laughing and on my toes at all times, love him.

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