
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

kevin throws a party

Kevin teaches the 12 year olds at church. They are a wild bunch. I have had to teach them a few times and all I could do to keep them at bay was play hangman with them and reward them with treats. It was rough. Well Kevin on the other hand loves them. And they love him. They all think he is soooo cool. Its a perfect calling for him. Well he promised them a party, a backyard badminton party. Even though it was cold, and snow was on the ground, they still wanted to do it. So we shoveled the snow off the court and played!! We grilled up some hot dogs and chicken, had the kids bring drinks, chips, and cookies and it was a party. One girl brought a cake and a huge think of cookies and said "Sorry, my family is unhealthy.." Hey don't be saying sorry to us!
The kids have only seen kevin at church in his church clothes so when they came over and saw him in his "street wear" they couldn't believe it. They all said this:
"You look so young!"
"How can you be teaching us?"
"You dress cool like a 'punk'!"
"Your like a hippy!"
I thought it was hilarious. yes my husband is so hip.

I was so much better than all of them at badminton, suckas! ok one kid beat me once...but it was a fluke!

Kevin's first party and it was a success!!

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