
Monday, May 10, 2010

sleep jab

So we like to watch movies together. I mean, what married couple doesn't? Well, despite this love, I have a bad tendency to fall asleep during movies. I want to watch the movie; its just my body thinks it needs more sleep then it gets. The only way I can fix this is if I have an unlimited amount of drinks, popcorn, and candy. This makes it possible to stay awake when we watch movies at my parents house. But due to the no drinks, no candy at our house, it is physically impossible for me to stay awake. Well the other night we were watching a movie and kevin, for the first time I am pretty sure ever, fell asleep before I did! I was so surprised. I was feeling pretty proud of myself when all of a sudden kevin jabbed me in the side with his elbow. I wanted to be like WHAT THE HECK? but I gently nudged him awake and asked him what he was doing. When I told him he had jabbed me, he looked confused and then said he was starting his lawnmower and fell back asleep. I didn't know what to make of this, I just thought he was making a joke, until I asked him again the next morning. He had actually had a dream of his new lawnmower we had bought the previous day, and had started it in his dream and by doing this had accidently jabbed me. Ha, boys and their toys. Oh and don't worry, ten minutes later I fell asleep as well.

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